Short stories to write about
Short stories to write about

short stories to write about short stories to write about

Have you ever read short stories written in a different genre? If not, please do it before starting your writing. Read some examples and choose what you want to follow. Your reader must discern a character fully. Don’t use similar names like John and Jack. Try to add each of them to some special feature that distinguishes them easily.

short stories to write about

If you choose human relations to describe in your story, try to show only a few persons that are necessary for explaining your plot. You don’t have time to present their nature, but reading about an unpredictable person is not interesting. Try to feel your future text and answer yourself if it is exciting? Were you satisfied when you finished the plot? Are you interested in the continuation of this writing? Does it look like lightning that you can’t stop? If some answers are Yes, you are on the right path and will find your reader easily. Previous steps were easy for understanding and using.

Short stories to write about